I’ve blogged before about the wonderful messages of support I’ve received by phone, text, card, email and Facebook. In the past two weeks these have increased exponentially as the blog has been shared and brought home to friends and strangers the situation I’m in. So I’d like to thank everyone for your good wishes, kind words, prayers and positivity. If they alone were sufficient I’d be fit and well enough to climb Kilimanjaro now!
I thought it’s be nice to share on my blog some of the best, most touching and most surprising ones, anonymously of course. But if my quoting you makes you uncomfortable please let me know and I’ll remove it. These are only a small snapshot of the wonderful messages I have received and there are so many more I’d love to share. Thank you so much to everyone for all of them.
Here we go.
26 June
Darling Rosie, You are an incredible woman – with such great strength. I am so sorry that you are being tested in this way, but know that there are so many people who love you very much. Keep strong and brave – and let me know if there’s anything I/we can do. I am terrible sleeper so if you are having a bad night feel free to call – it’s about time we sorted out those Tahiti plans! Massive hugs and love from us all. Please reach out at any time. X
27 June
Hi Rosie, I hope you don’t think I’m really weird sending you a message… I’ve never sent a message to someone who isn’t a friend before! I wanted to tell you that I was really moved by your post on Frank mums. I couldn’t help but look at your profile, you have such a stunning family and are clearly phenomenally bright. I really wish you all the best on this very unfortunate journey. I’m on the other side of the world so if you have sleepless nights and need some company, i’ll probably be checking Facebook ?
3 July
Dearest Rosie
I’ve just seen your status and wanted to write sending lots of love and positive thoughts at what must be a tough and uncertain time for you and your beautiful family. I know that we see each other infrequently but I feel very fortunate to have enjoyed your friendship for so many years. I just wanted to extend my hand to offer my support and friendship in anyway that I can. I am sure that you are inundated and overwhelmed by the love and support of your nearest and dearest. If you ever need a change of scene, a friend to moan at, laugh with or anything else then please know that I am here (well in Putney if it’s not too far!).
Kisses to you all.
5 July
Rosie, I am so sorry and shocked and pretty angry, actually, to discover that you have cancer. I know you are such a strong person that you will definitely win the fight, and I will be adding my positive thoughts for you every day. Long time no see, but still here for you xxx
6 July
Hello Rosie, it’s been a long time since we saw each other, but rest assured you are firmly in my thoughts and prayers; I couldn’t believe it when Hannah told me – I’m useless with fb. Lots of love to you and the family and all the very best for the next few weeks of treatment xx
10 July
Hi Rosie. Am not very Facebook savvy so I hope this is the private message it’s meant to be. Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! You rank right up there in my top 10 of most determined people I know and I have every faith that you will master this one as well. All my love
19 July
Hello Rosie – I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be wearing your name on my back with pride today! Thinking of you and your family, and wishing you the very best for Wednesday xxx
3 August
Hi Rosie – Haven’t been in touch for ages I am embarrassed to say. However I came across your news on Facebook. So sorry to hear that life has chosen to place a challenge in front of you. You are such a strong person that I don’t doubt you are better able than many to get through this. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Best,
19 August
Dear Rosie,
Given that I am such a Luddite, I only go on Facebook once every three and a half years (as shown by. my Facebook photo – J and E are now 7 and nearly 4!). As a holiday resolution, I decided to bring myself into the 21st century and in doing so pieced together your news from your recent posts. By not being a member of the Facebook generation, I hadn’t realised that you had been ill. Given my combination of being Jewish, male and Mancunian, my capacity to show any emotion is pretty low. However, in the space of a few minutes I went through shock, sorrow, admiration and then inspiration for the way you are clearly approaching such a huge process with amazing strength. I cannot begin to imagine what you have been through and hope that you are well on the road to full recovery. I know that I am seriously rubbish at keeping in touch, but I am only a phone call or email (and now Facebook message!) away if there is anything that I can add to the huge support that I am sure you already have. My thoughts and my prayers are with you. All the very best xxx
20 September
I go on Facebook once in a blue moon and just saw your chemo pics. Inspirational. I really hope it all works out ok.
31 October
Rosie I’m rarely on Facebook and see that you’re in battle mode. Sending you my love and wishes for good health. I just moved back to Paris a few weeks ago and am here through at least the end of the year. Via a friend I’m staying in an amazing 2 bedroom apt in the 17th. If you and your family want to take a quick trip to Paris the apt is all yours. sending you love. xoxox
10 November
Hi Rosie, I haven’t been on FB for an age until yesterday and saw a post about what you’ve been going through! Jen just filled me in. I’m so sorry my love and wanted to say I’m thinking of you. We haven’t seen each other for ages but I remember you as a wonderfully strong, empowered, bright, funny, positive and beautiful woman and I’m sure you are dealing with this crappy disease with grace and strength. I’m sure you’re kicking it’s arse too!!! Lots of love to you and your family xxx
1 December
I just wanted to drop you a note. I have just read your blog and I am crying my eyes out. Not in pity but in total admiration. What a wonderful woman. My brother died of cancer 3 years ago after a long 7 years of treatment and so many of the things you have written about ring true and I remember him talking about the same things. I wish you a full and speedy recovery xx ps. I have never given blood but I will now promise to do this on your behalf (one less thing for you to feel guilty about) much love x
2 December
Hey Rosie, I’ve just read your blog from start to finish all in one go and just wanted to say wow and well done. It must have taken a lot of courage to publish – its so personal and honest. I wish you so much luck for the next stage of your treatment and very much praying for you that Ghengis is booted in the face and gone forever. Lots of love xx
23 December
Hi Rosie, I am so sorry to hear your news. You have been amazing in the way you have dealt with all this, and I am sure you will continue to be amazing. All my love and wishes for your continued fight. xxx
23 December
Hi Rosie – I was very sorry to hear your news today. I don’t know if this will be any help to you, either now or perhaps further down the line when you’re ready. My sisters’s best friend had breast cancer and then was diagnosed with secondary liver and bone cancer. That was 6 years ago and she has been living a full and active life ever since undergoing treatment. In that time she has got married, worked, travelled and done marathons – if at any stage you would like me to put you in touch with her I’m sure she’d be happy to speak to you about it.
23 December
Hi sweetheart, ime not sure that there is anything I can write or say other thanm my heart goes out to you. You are in my thoughts often and after reading today your news, I cannot stop thinking about you. Rosie honey, you have to be the strongest person I know. I am sure with your positive attitude and the love and support of your wonderful family, you will beat the shit out of the bastard. Lean on the people that give you strength. I am sure that you have a wonderful support group. I know that I am far away, but I am on the other side of the phone or e-mail and am here for you if you need. Rosie, we are sending you lots of love and hugs and it goes without saying that you are always in our prayers xxx
23 December
Dearest Rosie, I’ve been meaning to message you for so long, and always fail to find the words – I still don’t have them, but really do want you to know how much you’re in my thoughts and prayers, and how much I’m sending you masses of good thoughts to wish you well. You’ve been so courageous and strong – and your blog has had me in tears more than once – you’re such an inspiration to us all. Your family must be so utterly proud of you, and your children (who are clearly very lovely, and so loved) are an absolute credit to you. I’ll be thinking of you even more, and sending all the good thoughts I can for Monday, and hope you see this off as swiftly as is possible. Wishing you a peaceful week with your family (and absolutely no need to reply – you must be inundated with messages, and also need to spend the holiday time with your children), and sending you lots of love xxxx
24 December
Hey Rosie. Such a long time since we were in touch and I’ve just seen your post on FB about your cancer. I’m so sorry to hear what an awful time you’ve been going through and also that you have to start the chemo again. It’s so unfair and just wrong that it can happen to such a lovely, lovely person as you. You’re such a strong woman and you clearly have hundreds of friends and family supporting you thank goodness. Wishing you all the very best and the strength to work your way through this. Lots of love to you and your family xxx
24 December
I hope you don’t think I’m some sort of crazy stalker by messaging you. We don’t know each other but I’ve followed your updates on FMs.Tonight I felt I owed you more then a post on the FrankMums thread along with hundreds of others after reading your blog tonight. It feels more personal.Your blog has been so inspirational to read. You seem like such a strong person and I cried buckets for you, your gorgeous children and husband today. With everything you wrote in todays post I couldnt stop thinking about how its so unfair for you all to go through this. I hope and daven that you will get through this! I will be thinking of you. sending you loads of positive energy. x
25 December
There really isn’t anything I can say without it sounding like a meaningless platitude you’ve probably heard a thousand times but please let me know if I can do anything to help you out. I’m away for the next two weeks but more than happy to drop by food or take you for a coffee when I’m back. I live in Hendon, don’t keep strict kosher but can always run to the shops.Cancer is a motherfucking cold heartless bitch. Xxxxx
25 December
Hi Rosie? I have been thinking of you since we last messaged but until yesterday I didn’t realise you had a blog. Since reading it last night I just haven’t been able to stop thinking of you. I hope you don’t mind me messaging you but, (and I hope this doesn’t sound selfish, I wanted you to know that like so many others, I am thinking of you). Your honesty with yourself and anyone who reads your blog is just amazing and so brave. I hope you don’t mind me saying that after reading it, I too am sad for you and your family and scared for you, me, every parent and child there is who might have to deal with a ghengis of their own one day. Today I have felt consumed by the cruelty of it all and how, even though I don’t know you, I wish I could do something to help. I know I can’t and that these words are totally inadequate but I am sending the most positive vibes that I can and although I’m not hugely religious I will pray for you in my own way. I will be thinking of you and hope you find the strength to find the positivity that you have previously had. Truly wishing you all the very best
27 December
Rosie, saw your status update and am taking it to heart. Facebook seems inadequate for this, though. If there is anything you would like me to do, just ask. I’d love to anticipate what you might need but that risks all kinds of errors and unwanted intrusiveness. Whether it’s a small or big ask, please bear me in mind. Hugs.
28 December
Hi. I think of you and your family everyday for the past few days. I feel like there aren’t any words that could convey what I want to say. Something like you don’t need to be extra strong or brave – you just need to carry on being you and let those that love you – cherish and hold you. I don’t know you but I am sending love and the strength of a million Dr Whos. Sending loving kindness to you
28 December
Hi Rosie I hope you don’t mind me messaging you. I can’t stop thinking about you! I just think you are the most inspirational and strong woman I know of. Such a fighter and also able to ask for help when you feel lost which is such a wonderful thing. I know how cancer can rip a family apart. Rip a person apart. You just have to take each day as it comes. None of us know what tomorrow holds. Id love to help you if there is anything I can do? Don’t stop reaching out Rosie, you have so much support. You have touched my life in a way I can’t explain and I thank you for that. I’m just sorry it’s under such utter crap circumstances. Please don’t feel you have to reply, I’ve wanted to message you for a while but thought what can I say that could possibly make you feel better? and then when I saw you asked for the support to keep coming, I thought it would be ok x
28 December
Following your blog and think you are an incredible lady. Been thinking of you since I first read your story on Christmas morning. You are brave, courageous and have the support of so many people you don’t even know. You have thousands of people praying for you (including myself). Enjoy your beautiful children and stay strong for them and yourself. Wishing you nothing but good positive things for 2015. Much love xx
28 December
Words can’t express the immense proudness and sadness I feel for you and your loving family. We to are going through a very difficult time and my dad was diagnosed with multiple terminal cancer 19 days ago. Your latest blog entry sums up exactly what I have been feeling. Life is so cruel but you are so fabulous. Words don’t begin to do justice to your inspiration and courageousness. I hope the medicine give you the time you deserve. You are forever in my thoughts and I will continue to stay with you through your writing. Much love forever
28 December
Listen missy I don’t know you but from all i know about you I know you are brave strong and a g-d damn fighter! ! There will always be times when you feel low and at your wits end and that is ok. Allow your self to feel anything you want to feel and tell yourself it is fine. Be gentle with yourself and let others give you strength and support you. We are all here for you and will do what ever we can. You keep doing what you are doing cause you’re doing amazing! ! Keep talking and sharing and just know we are all sending you love and strength and thinking of you xxxxx
28 September
Rosie I genuinely am thinking about you so much. I’ve never thought so much before about someone I’ve never met! Sending support, positivity, strength, hugs and love, all through the day, every day xx
29 December
I’ve just read your whole blog, Rosie, and I wanted to say thank you for the little insight you have given me into how one of my best friends suffered. She was so so private so I was very careful not to pry. It breaks my heart to read what you have been through, and continue to go through but it’s not about me AT ALL and I promise I won’t do the right/left ‘head hang’ as Danielle called/calls it if I ever have the pleasure and privilege of meeting you in person. I wish you all the love and luck in the world. I’m sorry that I can’t bake challah for you (I’m a shit cook!!) but you are most def in my prayers xxxxxxxx
30 December
The times when we feel weak and drained, and like we can’t fight no further.. Rosie.. They are the times we fight the hardest. My love your family are such a beautiful reflection of the wonderful person you are and the amazing qualities you hold. I’m your virtual friend, holding your hand from a far .. When things feel too hard just squeeze hon.. Coz I’m thinking of you and together .. All of us on this feed.. Fight forward with you:).. We’re carrying you on this journey. Much love xx
30 December
Rosie I hope you don’t mind me messaging you…. I’m sitting here reading your blog with tears streaming down my face from one mother to another i can’t imagine the pain and worry of what your going through. I have followed your journey from a far you write with such courage and strength you are truly inspirational, your kids family and husband must be amazingly proud of you! This disease is a bastard! Keep fighting u will beat this. Stick ur two fingers up at it and tell it to quite frankly to f**k off. enjoy ur children and family hug them tight and Pls god soon Ur be able to move forward with this nasty time behind you. You are in my thoughts and prays stay strong! You can do this xxxxx
30 December
Rosie can I just tell you that you are a true inspiration and your kids will be so proud of you!! Have you ever thought of writing books? Once you have kicked cancers ass.. Which u will.. You should have your blog published and write a book!! Your an amazing woman!!! Stay strong!!!!! Big hugs x
30 December
Been thinking about you loads. Any time something frustrates me or annoys me I have stopped in my tracks & thought how trivial it all seems compared to what you are going through. It puts everything into perspective. Wishing you lots of luck and positivity for today & going forward. xxx